Yesterday was a disaster.
After I sent you my email, put my medical request form and complaint forms in and whinged to a manager who was unluckily wandering around, I went back to bed. After a while, a guard came to get my signature. It was another issue which I may tell you some day. Anyway, the guard noticed that my face was swollen! I thought that's bad. I didn't want half of my face paralysed. So I went to the guards' station. One of the guards jumped up when she saw my face (which I did not think that bad...) and persuaded a nurse to see me, thank goodness. I went to see a nurse in the Medical Centre. At first glance, she told me that she could tell my face swollen. She gave me Neurofene and paracetamol and put a request for a dentist in. She said that it was not her who decided an appointment and detainees were waiting for a dentist for years. I thought that might be the case. On the way back to my room, I dropped in the computer room and sent an email to my case manager to request him to take me to a dentist outside. Then, I went back to my room and went to bed.
In the evening, I noticed my armpit began to have pain. It became obvious that it was an infection and it was spreading. It's not a case of anti-inflammation but a case of antibiotics. So I sent an email to the lawyers acting for the Minister to tell the legal section of the Department that I needed a dentist or a doctor or both before I die of blood poisoning. Well, it might be an exaggeration but something was wrong. It did not hurt so much but it swelled. My next door neighbour was worried and told a guard to do something for me. She is nice, isn't she? The guard called someone and told me that an appointment with a GP had been made for the next day.
This morning, no one told me about the supposedly made an appointment with a GP. So I thought that it was fake news again and emailed to the Associate to the lazy judge requesting an interlocutory order to send me to a dentist or a doctor. I have not received a reply from anyone yet.
At lunch time, I was called by the Medical Centre and a nurse asked me to open my mouth. He diagnosed that I had no dental problem because he did not see any black. I have not reported it to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority yet but, in order to protect the Australian community from the harm, I should report the unqualified practice of dentistry by the nurse. Or protecting the Australian community might be the speciality of Mr Dutton? Anyway, the nurse told me that an appointment to see a dentist was made in March. No earlier appointment is possible since six hundred or seven hundred detainees are waiting for a dentist at this moment. I told him that I knew it so I had already asked the court for an interlocutory order to send me to a dentist or a doctor. Then the nurse suddenly started asking me whether I want to see a doctor or want Neurofene etc. I told him that I had all sorts of problems so that I wanted to see a GP. But of course, he could not arrange it. So I came back.
I do not feel well so I am going back to bed.