As you must have noticed, I was really cranky yesterday. The culmination was at night when a guard came to tell me that she had put a new girl in my room. Of course, I said 'No'.
The guard asked me whether I wanted to speak to a manager. I thought I would get the one whom I always speak to first thing in the morning next day rather than speaking to an unfamiliar one at night. But I changed my mind when I was filling in a complaint form. So I grabbed the manager of the day. I told him that I was unhappy and gave him an unhappy stare. He was mumbling one thing or another but soon agreed to do something in the morning. Since I am not unreasonable (even though I may not be reasonable), I agreed to put up with a roommate for a night. But when I came back to my room, the roommate came with her friends and collected her belongings and left. I could not understand why the supposedly new girl had friends here and also why she disappeared from my room.
Anyway, this morning, the compound guards came one after the other to me and asked me where my roommate was! I told them that she had come and gone last night. The new girl moved to a new room but the guards were not notified!!! Did she have an authority to shift to a new room or did she just find a friend and decided by herself to relocate??? Is it possible??? Anyway, she's gone. She came back to my room once today to take a blanket she had left last night to her new room. So she has truly gone. I hope she let the guards know it to prevent the guards from knocking on my door....