Even the High Court justices heard migration cases in January but my Federal Court judge is still enjoying holidays. It is February but he is still on holidays. The High Court listed for the judgment in a migration case next week but my case in the Federal Court has no future listings because my judge has not even started working this year yet. You are right. I am cranky today.
By the way, the High Court case which will be delivered next Wednesday is the Falzon case. So if you are a migration lawyer, you have to keep an eye on the High Court page (www.hcourt.gov.au) next Wednesday.
The Minister seems to want the public voting to select judges. My inclination today is the partial support for the Minister's idea. I propose a voting to strike off the judges of the Federal courts before a voting to select the State Courts judges. Lazy judges should be struck off! Yes, I am cranky today. But I am also interested in whether the current judges can win the public support, particularly the sons and daughters of former chief justices, the wives of the current and former judges, the family member and family friends of MPs, former MPs themselves and also the former associates to judges who took over their judge's office when their respective judge retired.
I used the Federal Court database to see how other cases similar to mine progressed. It seems to be fairly common for a judge to ask the parties to make supplementary submissions on some specific point after the oral hearing. In one of the cases I cited in my oral argument in court, the judge made such an order and the matter was adjourned. So the poor applicant in that case had to wait for the submissions (and the subsequent delayed judgment) in detention. Notwithstanding that, the judge did not make any determination on that point for the reason that the Applicant won on the other ground and hence that point was not required to be determined!!! If it's not needed, why the hell did the judge ask the parties to make submissions on that point!!!!! Extra costs for making unnecessary submissions by both parties and extra detention costs were to be paid by the Minister. No wonder the tax of this country is high!