It's Day 88. Still one week before the Federal Court will resume the hearing. Some judges subcontract (?!) writing entire judgments to their Associates but in many cases, judges write the conclusion by themselves. So chances are, until and unless my judge, after coming back from holidays on 5th, starts and finishes writing something, I will be here. My judge is not the slowest worker amongst the ones who hear migration cases in Queensland. But he proved to be lazy last year so I am worried....
The slowest worker in Queensland is definitely my other judge. I have a pending case against some Government organisation in the Federal Court. I filed the case in 2016 and have been waiting for the judgment since May last year!
This dispute occurred in March 2009 and ended up in the Federal Court first time in 2013. I won the case in 2015. After the remitter, the Government organisation made the same decision again. (Teach them the meaning of the rule of law, please!) So I filed the same application (the current pending one) with the Federal Court again in 2016. In these circumstances, I should get the same decision again very quickly, don't you think? But somehow, I have been waiting for the judgment since May 2017. I need the damages I should be awarded. But so far, no sign of the delivery of the decision near future.
Unless at least one of these judges works quickly enough, I will have to add one more court case in the Federal Court, this time, in bankruptcy....