I heard a rumour. A very, very disturbing rumour. Serco's contract is terminated. Well, that's not disturbing at all. But the ABF is taking over the operation of Villawood! It's so disturbing. I even became feeling sick. If it happens, then VIDC will be like 2006! No way. I gotta get out quick...
I roughly finished my final submissions to the Court. So I knocked off pending chores today. I had my complaints here piling up so I wrote half a dozen of complaint forms in one go. I had to push the lawyers in the Attorney-General's Department who have been making an excuse one after the other to postpone making a decision on my petition. So I emailed them to let them know that I would file a judicial review application with the Federal Court seeking mandamus directed to the Attorney-General and withhold the service on him to see whether they would keep the promise to make a decision by the end of February. If they postpone making a decision again, I will serve the application on the Attorney-General and the proceeding will go ahead. Good idea?
I had a solid 45 minute exercise at heart rate 135 today again. I learned from exercise physiology professor at uni when I was an undergrad that exercise at the heart rate over 120 will start burning body fat after 20 minutes. I will get rid of my excess fat before getting out!