It's Thursday. My plan to finish off all the work on this litigation in this week means that I need to write up the draft of my final submission today. This paper will not make any difference to the fate of my case so I have a little difficulty in keeping up my motivation. But since I may want a job in future from the big law firm which the Immigration hired, I have to perfect my job to impress them.
So I was ready to be in a full throttle this morning. Then, I received a call from a sister who would visit this detention centre shortly reminding me of it. Ooooops. I forgot that. But I thought it was the only task for the day and I would focus on my work after the visit.
Then, I went to the visit and met some asylum seekers who were with the sister at the visit. Ughhhh. I ended up agreeing to read his papers after the visit. But his case was so simple and the judgment he got was very short. So it did not take time. I thought I would be able to focus on my work after this.
Then, my friend was whinging that she did not know what to do with the paperwork of another detainee who was an obviously hopeless middle age female asylum seeker from a very safe country. Well, I told the asylum seeker that I could not help her when she met me at the lunchtime and said to me, 'You can help me'. I have no intention to help her since she somehow believes that she is entitled to have me work for her for no reason. But somehow, one of my friends in the compound decided to write a document for her but my friend needed help to do that. (sigh) If you cannot do it yourself, do not offer to do it. (sigh)