Today, I went to the Visit to see a Sister of a church. I thought that the centre had introduced a new policy on 2 January to undertake a pat search of a detainee when entering into and coming out of the Visits. At least, when I went to see visitors last week, the reception was in chaos as a result. Today, there was no search. No havoc. Did they abolish the new policy in less than ten days? Well, if so, it's good since the search was plainly meaningless but creating huge havoc and chaos. But couldn't they think what is going to happen if they introduce such a policy BEFORE actually introducing it???
Anyway, when I was talking with the sister, I saw a guard with whom I often had a chat passing by. I said to him, 'Hi!' and he came to join us. I told him about my current battle against the Acting Health Services Manager who is a registered nurse. She refused to book an optometrist for me despite that she was directed to do so by a GP who saw me. The guard told me that IHMS was hopeless and recommended me to watch a movie 'Shawshank Redemption' which he believed to provide me with a lot of useful tips. Anyone knows the movie? Since I have plenty of funds in my Google Opinion Rewards, I will buy that movie AFTER I get out. I don't want to be misunderstood as having a hope to carry out a jailbreak.
By the way, some refugee advocates seem to consider the risk of escape from detention centres only attributes to 501s. I do not know who recently escaped from detention centres here and there but 501s around me do not seem to have even a thought of escape. Although they tend not to be the smartest people, they know that if they go back home, they will be captured straight away and they only want to go back home desperately, nowhere else.