My morning routine eventually came back!
Yesterday, I was told that the coffee shop would open next day to test a new barista. But it opened yesterday by a barista with 7 years of experience outside! Today, even an assistant started working!! So it is now officially re-opened!!! My morning habit of reading newspapers while sipping a coffee in an air-conditioned room came back with a pleasant chat with these really professional guys. Actually, this guy makes really nice coffee at exactly the same standard of cafes outside! Lucky me!!
Uh? Oh, I failed to get a job. Oh, what a pity. I couldn't gain new skills. Well, in these circumstances, unfortunately, the sum of the damages I will claim has to go up for ... ummmm ... maybe injured feelings? Yes, injured feelings! I am really really sorry for myself for ... well ... the false hope of becoming a barista? Mmmmm... Do you think any judge will believe me if I say that???
The nurse who was supposed to call me today to undertake a test of my vision to book me in to see an optometrist did not call me. I thought that would happen. Of course, I lodged a complaint form yesterday and another one today. An optometrist will come to the centre only once a month and the next time is on 17th. So I really have to push me in the queue now otherwise I will not get two pairs of glasses free of charge.
Today, I received a stamped copy of the orders of the court made before Christmas. The one that the Respondent have leave to file supplementary submissions blah, blah, blah. I forwarded it to the principal investigation officer of the Australian Human Rights Commission who is taking care of my complaint and complained that because of the Immigration's failure, I am still in detention. I also ask her to tell the Department that the judge said at the end of the hearing, 'Minister may revoke the decision after this hearing.' Actually, I need someone to tell it to the Minster rather than the Secretary of the Department....