I slept well last night for a change. I got up afresh. Then I went to the Charity Walk again. Since I have been flashing around my certificate and recommending everyone to participate, the number of participants in this activity is growing. It helps them in the tribunal and simultaneously helps the charity organisation, Can-teen. And most importantly (?!), I am thanked by other detainees, which will make my life here easier. Triple win situation!
The start of the day was brilliant but after that was downwards. I didn't feel like doing anything. The depressed mood was triggered by one email. One of my Japanese friends emailed me to tell me that she is wishing that I can get back to the previous life. Oh no. No way. I don't want to go back to the previous life, namely the life below the poverty line. No thank you. Friends here pointed out a few days ago that getting a job and making money are totally different things and I should have tried to make money rather than to find a job. It was an eye-opening suggestion. I will take it on board. Maybe the lazy judge and the incompetent lawyers of the Immigration helped me follow my friends' advice since false detention actually makes fairly good money. I should think about the way to bring my guinea pig here and should stay here for a bit longer???