I was searching a few legal databases this morning and accidentally found the article entitled:
'Truth, Justice and the Australian Way: Plaintiff S157 of 2002 v Commonwealth'.
My immediate thought,,, 'My piggies!!!'. I remembered a remark by a B&B owner where I often stayed. When she learned my guinea pig's name, Justice, she said, 'Appropriate name.' I thought Justice was a pretty name but may not sound so pretty for native English speakers.
Anyway, what was I searching in the database? Two pieces of legislation. One, the amendment to the defective Migration Regulation 1994 newly allowing a student who won in the tribunal to apply for another student visa even after the original student visa expired while the lazy tribunal was mucking about without making the decision. Two, the amendment to the faulty Migration Act 1958 to eventually abolish the detention costs debts. The former came into force in 2004, the latter 2009. Too late to correct the errors in my case.
I am here partially because these two pieces of legislation came into force too late although ultimately, I am here because the Immigration wrongly cancelled my student visa back in 2003. If any one of the people in Canberra worked reasonably in the past, I would have been an Australian citizen for years by now, let alone a permanent resident!
Today, I put a request form in to ask for taking me to a dentist. I need to replace one filling. I have a minor toothache caused by the worn-out old filling. Isn't it pity if I have to put up with a toothache because of detention? I hope the judge who will sit for my future claim against the Commonwealth seeking damages for false detention will feel sorry for me enough to add big exemplary damages..
My Japanese friend here who is just as old as me will go to the court tomorrow as a witness against her ex-partner in her domestic violence case. She does not know whether it is a summary trial or a committal. The ABF told her a few days ago that they booked a flight for her on 5 December, the next day to her (first) court date. The case will not be finished on the first court date! The Immigration after locking her up for months and months will let her ex-partner get off the hook if she is removed before the end of the trial. So unsurprisingly, she was very annoyed.
Today, there were two very unhappy old women whinging about the Immigration in Villawood.
'Truth, Justice and the Australian Way: Plaintiff S157 of 2002 v Commonwealth'.
My immediate thought,,, 'My piggies!!!'. I remembered a remark by a B&B owner where I often stayed. When she learned my guinea pig's name, Justice, she said, 'Appropriate name.' I thought Justice was a pretty name but may not sound so pretty for native English speakers.
Anyway, what was I searching in the database? Two pieces of legislation. One, the amendment to the defective Migration Regulation 1994 newly allowing a student who won in the tribunal to apply for another student visa even after the original student visa expired while the lazy tribunal was mucking about without making the decision. Two, the amendment to the faulty Migration Act 1958 to eventually abolish the detention costs debts. The former came into force in 2004, the latter 2009. Too late to correct the errors in my case.
I am here partially because these two pieces of legislation came into force too late although ultimately, I am here because the Immigration wrongly cancelled my student visa back in 2003. If any one of the people in Canberra worked reasonably in the past, I would have been an Australian citizen for years by now, let alone a permanent resident!
Today, I put a request form in to ask for taking me to a dentist. I need to replace one filling. I have a minor toothache caused by the worn-out old filling. Isn't it pity if I have to put up with a toothache because of detention? I hope the judge who will sit for my future claim against the Commonwealth seeking damages for false detention will feel sorry for me enough to add big exemplary damages..
My Japanese friend here who is just as old as me will go to the court tomorrow as a witness against her ex-partner in her domestic violence case. She does not know whether it is a summary trial or a committal. The ABF told her a few days ago that they booked a flight for her on 5 December, the next day to her (first) court date. The case will not be finished on the first court date! The Immigration after locking her up for months and months will let her ex-partner get off the hook if she is removed before the end of the trial. So unsurprisingly, she was very annoyed.
Today, there were two very unhappy old women whinging about the Immigration in Villawood.