It was another exhausting day. My room door was often (but not always) locked regardless of where I was or where my room mate, alleged Serial Thief was. It was really inconvenient. Sometimes, Ms Serial Thief was in my room with all my stuff and the door was locked. I could not get in. I had to go to the guards' station to ask one of them to come to open the door. I was worried about my stuff in the locked room where Ms S T was and no one else could entre. What an arrangement...
For the last couple of days, I have been writing my submissions for the final hearing in the Federal Court. I am trying to finish it off before the first return. Then I will be ready for the hearing to go to pick up my little guinea pig. This place is unbearable not only because of the absence of my little piggie boy but because of the people here. One of the guards said that the demography had completely changed for the last four years. She said, 'They are not refugees. You know that.' Ughhhh....
But there is a refugee who came here by boat. She was supposed to give me a call to go to see a sister who visits here for pastoral care. She was late to give me a call and I was called by a GP in the Medical Centre. So we missed the time to see the sister. I missed the time last week, too... Not good.... I received a call this afternoon from the sister asking me whether I went back home. Ooops... I am so sorry. I am still here but...
The things started moving this afternoon. The Australian Human Rights Commission informed me that it would send an enquiry to the Department of Immigration shortly in relation to my complaint of an arbitrary detention. The Commission needed my authority for the Department to release my personal information to the Commission. So I signed the authority on which the Commission listed the kinds of information it would obtain from the Department. I can tell from the list that the Director of the Commission drafted a massive attack! Go, AHRC, go!!
Then the docket judge of the Federal Court responded to my request. He carefully asked the other side whether they oppose to any of my request, namely, a videolink, filing the Amended Originating Application, and a pro bono referral. He knows and everyone knows that there is no reason for the Minister to oppose any of them. He just made sure that there was no ground of appeal. So there is no doubt he will grant all of them. Hooray! I think I virtually secured my pro bono counsel because when a judge of the Federal Court 'asks', anything can happen. I will work harder to write up my submissions before a pro bono counsel is appointed. Then my brief is ready.
For the last couple of days, I have been writing my submissions for the final hearing in the Federal Court. I am trying to finish it off before the first return. Then I will be ready for the hearing to go to pick up my little guinea pig. This place is unbearable not only because of the absence of my little piggie boy but because of the people here. One of the guards said that the demography had completely changed for the last four years. She said, 'They are not refugees. You know that.' Ughhhh....
But there is a refugee who came here by boat. She was supposed to give me a call to go to see a sister who visits here for pastoral care. She was late to give me a call and I was called by a GP in the Medical Centre. So we missed the time to see the sister. I missed the time last week, too... Not good.... I received a call this afternoon from the sister asking me whether I went back home. Ooops... I am so sorry. I am still here but...
The things started moving this afternoon. The Australian Human Rights Commission informed me that it would send an enquiry to the Department of Immigration shortly in relation to my complaint of an arbitrary detention. The Commission needed my authority for the Department to release my personal information to the Commission. So I signed the authority on which the Commission listed the kinds of information it would obtain from the Department. I can tell from the list that the Director of the Commission drafted a massive attack! Go, AHRC, go!!
Then the docket judge of the Federal Court responded to my request. He carefully asked the other side whether they oppose to any of my request, namely, a videolink, filing the Amended Originating Application, and a pro bono referral. He knows and everyone knows that there is no reason for the Minister to oppose any of them. He just made sure that there was no ground of appeal. So there is no doubt he will grant all of them. Hooray! I think I virtually secured my pro bono counsel because when a judge of the Federal Court 'asks', anything can happen. I will work harder to write up my submissions before a pro bono counsel is appointed. Then my brief is ready.