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Day 67 - 44 Degrees!

I was told that it was 44 degrees here today....  Grrrrrr...  It was not my fault that I had two cups of ice cream and 4 zooper doopers after lunch.  Guys gave me theirs.  It would be their fault if I put on more weight....  

Since I had no skill of opening zooper dooper bags, I asked a guard to cut open with scissors.  She looked stunned when I held out four zooper doopers.  But she was not entitled to be surprised since she probably weighed 100kg or so.  Even though I put on some weight, I am not that bad. ... yet.

It's seventh today so that I still have to wait for the incompetents working for the Immigration for one more week.  So I enrolled in Financial Literacy course offered by Open Universities (free of charge!).  The data download is free while here.  So I will enjoy a bit of study.