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Day 37 - Installed, Declined, Rejected.

Oh, it's nice to have the latest browser!  This should be installed in all the computers, not be limited to the one designated for my use.  It is also wrong that only I have a computer specifically reserved for me.  But I decided not to complain about it, at least for the moment.

I received an email written by a counsel who was considering whether to accept my pro bono brief.  He was apparently interested in my case since he seems to have done a database search to find the court date by himself. In the end, he declined with the statement that he thinks my case needs 'resources'.  (*Resources means money.)  As soon as people learned that I am a Japanese, they believed that they can extract money from me.  Sorry, mate.  I have no money.

In the evening, I went to the Medical Centre to get anti-depressant which I use as anti-anxiety.  I only take it when I feel like it, maybe once a week.  Today's nurse was an African looking guy.  He tried to give me a capsule which I have never seen!  I had to reject it.  That's not my prescription drug!!  Gee, it is dangerous....